Saturday, September 15, 2012

Communication Observation

Keeping Up with the Kardashians is a show I have never watched, but have heard about for years.  I watched an episode with the sound on and off in order to make comparisons of their verbal and nonverbal communication.

With the sound off, the character's seem to have a fun and loving relationships with one another.  They smile, hug,laugh, and make eye contact when speaking to one another.  At times they express some personal opinions based on their eye movements (eye rolling), facial expressions (lips pursed) and body language (hands on hips).  They seem to have personal and professional relationships with one another because I saw them in the home setting and in a professional meeting setting. 

With the sound on, I discovered my assumptions about the Kardashians were mostly correct.  They demonstrate a loving and caring relationship, as a family.   When they talk with one another they listen and make eye contact.  I learned they sometimes struggle to balance their personal and professional relationships, but through consistent communcation they work through it!


  1. Hi Nicole,
    I have watched some episodes of "Keeping Up with the Kardashians." Your interpretation of the show is correct. If you watched with the sound on or off their message is the same. I enjoyed reading your blog.

  2. Hi Nicole,

    With keen observation of nonverbal cues and gestures we can assume what the others are talking about and how they feel about one another. Great analysis of the facial expressions you observed on the show. Facial expressions definitely do speak as loud as words.

  3. Hi Nicole,

    I have also watched "Keeping Up with the Kardashians". The one thing that I do like about this family is that they seem to express exactly how they feel. Although I feel that I sometimes struggle with expressing my true feelings especially when discussing sensitive issues. They have a great way of communicating and bonding with each other. I enjoyed reading your post.

  4. Hi Nicole,

    I also was surprised that I was able to tell relationships within the drama I watched without sound. I think it means that using appropriate nonverbal communications is very important to maintain good relationships.
