Sunday, September 9, 2012

Communication Behaviors

Competent communication, requires active listening, appropriate body movements (language), and appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication.  In my current position, I work with a mentor who supports me in my fairly recent new role as a Master Teacher.  She demonstrates competent communication skills by exhibiting particular behaviors that make communication with her effective.  For example, she makes consistent eye contact with the person/people she speaking with, asks clarifying questions prior to answering questions to ensure she understands, and remains focused on the topic by eliminating distractors (cell phone, email, etc.).  I model many of my communication behaviors after her because  through observation people have a positive response to form of communication.  They often feel "listened to" and respected whenever they communicate with her.  I strive to have the same impact on the people I communicate with on a daily basis.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Nicole,

    I can agree that observations can educate a person best. You mentioned many key factors that will allow a person to exhibit effective communication. I enjoyed reading your post about the mentor that you work with. Good luck with your new role as master teacher as well.
